Simple Rubric to Evaluate Listening in Very Young Learners


Listening Skills Evaluation Rubric for Very Young Learners

Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________


Following Instructions:

·         Excellent (4): Follows multi-step instructions accurately and consistently.

·         Good (3): Follows simple instructions correctly most of the time; may struggle with multi-step instructions.

·         Developing (2): Follows simple instructions with some prompting; has difficulty with multi-step instructions.

·         Needs Improvement (1): Struggles to follow simple instructions; often requires repetition and additional support.


1.        Understanding of Stories/Songs:

a.      Excellent (4): Demonstrates clear understanding of stories/songs; can answer questions and discuss the story/song content accurately.

b.      Good (3): Shows general understanding of the main points; occasionally misses subtleties or specific details.

c.       Developing (2): Understands basic elements of stories/songs but often misses key points or details.

d.      Needs Improvement (1): Has difficulty understanding the basic content of stories/songs.

2.       Response to Audio/Verbal Prompts:

a.      Excellent (4): Responds accurately to audio/verbal prompts without hesitation.

b.      Good (3): Generally responds correctly to prompts, with occasional errors or hesitations.

c.       Developing (2): Responds to prompts with frequent errors or requires repetition.

d.      Needs Improvement (1): Struggles to respond to prompts; rarely answers correctly without assistance.

3.       Engagement and Attention:

a.      Excellent (4): Highly attentive and engaged during listening activities; rarely distracted.

b.      Good (3): Usually attentive and engaged, but may occasionally lose focus.

c.       Developing (2): Shows inconsistent attention and engagement; often needs reminders to focus.

d.      Needs Improvement (1): Frequently inattentive and easily distracted during listening activities.

4.      Recall and Retention:

a.      Excellent (4): Can recall details and information from listening activities accurately; demonstrates good retention.

b.      Good (3): Generally recalls main points; may forget some details.

c.       Developing (2): Struggles to recall specifics; remembers only a few key points.

d.      Needs Improvement (1): Has significant difficulty in recalling and retaining information from listening activities.

Teacher's Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Areas for Improvement:




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