Reflective Task: Nurturing Early Writing in a Bilingual Environment



To explore the challenges and strategies for supporting early writing skills in English for preschoolers who are concurrently learning to write in their mother tongue.

Task Description:

  1. Dual-Language Observation:

    • Activity: 'Writing Worlds'
      • Spend a week observing and noting how your students approach writing tasks in both English and their native language.
      • Pay special attention to their level of engagement, comfort, and the types of support they seek or require.
  2. Creative Documentation:

    • Activity: 'Language Journey Map'
      • Create a visual map or journey line for each child, documenting their progress and experiences in writing in both languages.
      • Use symbols, colors, or drawings to represent different aspects of their learning journey (e.g., a sun for moments of understanding, a cloud for challenges).
  3. Collaborative Reflection:

    • Activity: 'Teachers' Tapestry'
      • Arrange a session with fellow teachers to share your 'Language Journey Maps.'
      • Discuss patterns, challenges, and successes observed. Highlight any differences or similarities in the development of writing skills in English versus the native language.
  4. Strategy Development:

    • Activity: 'Bridging Languages'
      • Based on your observations and collaborative reflections, brainstorm strategies to support bilingual writing development.
      • Focus on early literacy skills, such as letter recognition, word formation, and expressing ideas through drawings and writing.
  5. Implementation and Observation:

    • Activity: 'Garden of Words'
      • Implement one or two of the brainstormed strategies in your classroom.
      • Observe how these strategies influence the children's writing experiences in both languages.
  6. Reflective Journaling:

    • Activity: 'Language Learning Diary'
      • Reflect on your observations and the effectiveness of the implemented strategies. Consider the following questions:
        • How did the strategies impact the children's writing in English and their native language?
        • What changes did you notice in their confidence and ability to express themselves?
        • How has this task influenced your approach to teaching writing in a bilingual preschool setting?


Create a shared resource or guide with your teaching team, compiling effective strategies for nurturing early writing in bilingual learners.


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