Simple Rubric to Evaluate Reading in Very Young Learners
Reading Skills Evaluation Rubric for Very Young Learners
Student Name:
1. Letter Recognition:
a. Letter Learner (1): They're starting
to notice letters and may recognize a few. Every letter they learn is a big
b. Alphabet Adventurer (2): They know
several letters and are excited to learn more. They're on their way!
c. Letter Detective (3): They can
recognize most letters and are really getting the hang of it. Great job!
d. Alphabet Expert (4): They recognize
all the letters with ease. What an achievement!
2. Word Recognition:
a. Word Explorer (1): They're beginning
to pick out familiar words here and there.
b. Budding Reader (2): They can identify
some common words and are eager to learn more.
c. Word Wizard (3): They're reading
several words confidently and can sometimes figure out new ones.
d. Reading Champion (4): They recognize a
wide range of words and are excellent at decoding new ones.
3. Understanding Story/Song:
a. Story Explorer (1): They're starting
to understand basic stories or songs with help.
b. Story Friend (2): They grasp the main
ideas of simple stories or songs quite well.
c. Story Adventurer (3): They understand
most of the story or song and can discuss parts of it.
d. Story Master (4): They fully
understand the story or song and can talk about it in detail.
4. Interest and Engagement:
a. Curious Observer (1): Shows interest
in books and stories but may not always be focused.
b. Engaged Listener (2): Pays attention
to stories and shows curiosity, with occasional lapses in focus.
c. Active Participant (3): Actively
engages with stories, asking questions and making comments.
d. Book Lover (4): Shows a strong love
for reading, actively engaging and seeking out books.
5. Response to Reading:
a. Emerging Responder (1): Beginning to
respond to reading with simple answers or actions.
b. Responsive Reader (2): Responds to
reading with more detail and can answer simple questions.
c. Thoughtful Interpreter (3): Provides
thoughtful responses and can make connections with the reading.
d. Insightful Critic (4): Offers
insightful comments and can discuss the reading in depth.
Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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