Child-Teacher Interaction Rubric

CriteriaExemplary (4)Proficient (3)Basic (2)Limited (1)
Communication ClarityDemonstrates exceptional clarity in communication, expressing thoughts and needs effectively.Communicates clearly, facilitating effective interaction and comprehension.Communication is generally clear but may lack precision or clarity in some instances.Communication is unclear or inconsistent, hindering understanding.
Active ParticipationActively engages in activities, showing enthusiasm and interest in learning.Consistently participates in activities with interest and eagerness.Participates occasionally, with moments of disengagement.Demonstrates minimal interest or engagement in activities.
Responsiveness to GuidanceResponds thoughtfully to guidance and feedback, demonstrating understanding and improvement.Shows consistent responsiveness to guidance, making efforts to apply feedback.Responds intermittently to guidance, with limited improvement over time.Demonstrates limited responsiveness to guidance, hindering learning progress.
Initiative and CuriosityTakes initiative in exploring and asking questions, displaying a curious and inquisitive nature.Demonstrates a proactive approach, showing curiosity in various learning activities.Displays occasional initiative and curiosity but may require encouragement.Shows minimal initiative or curiosity, requiring constant prompting.
Adaptability and FlexibilityAdapts well to changes in activities, showing flexibility and ease in transitioning.Exhibits flexibility in adapting to different tasks and activities.Displays some adaptability but may struggle with transitions.Resists changes and transitions, impacting the flow of activities.
Expressive CommunicationEffectively expresses thoughts, needs, and emotions verbally and non-verbally.Communicates expressively, using a range of verbal and non-verbal cues effectively.Communicates adequately but may struggle to express thoughts or emotions clearly.Demonstrates limited expressive communication, hindering effective interaction.
Collaboration and Social InteractionCollaborates well with peers and the teacher, engaging in positive social interactions.Demonstrates positive collaboration with peers and the teacher during activities.Collaborates occasionally, with moments of hesitation or conflicts.Struggles with collaboration and social interactions, impacting the learning environment.
Problem-Solving SkillsExhibits strong problem-solving skills, finding solutions independently and creatively.Demonstrates effective problem-solving skills, seeking solutions with some guidance.Shows occasional problem-solving skills but may require significant support.Struggles with problem-solving, requiring constant assistance.
Feedback ProcessingProcesses feedback effectively, incorporating suggestions into activities and tasks.Demonstrates the ability to process and apply feedback with noticeable improvement.Processes feedback intermittently, with limited observable improvement.Struggles to process feedback, resulting in minimal improvement.
Emotional Expression and RegulationExpresses emotions appropriately and demonstrates effective emotional regulation.Displays a range of emotions and effectively regulates emotional responses.Shows occasional challenges in expressing emotions or regulating reactions.Struggles with emotional expression and regulation, impacting interactions.
Respect for DiversityDemonstrates respect for diverse backgrounds and perspectives, fostering an inclusive environment.Displays consistent respect for diversity, showing openness to different cultures.Shows some respect for diversity but may occasionally exhibit biases.Demonstrates limited respect for diversity, potentially causing discomfort or misunderstanding.


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