Techniques to reduce anxiety


Reducing anxiety in young learners, particularly in a test environment like the GET for VYL, is crucial for their performance and overall experience. Here are some effective techniques that invigilators can use:

Create a Relaxing Environment:

Technique: Use calm and soothing tones when speaking. Set up the test environment to be as stress-free as possible, perhaps with comfortable seating or soft lighting.

Impact: A relaxing atmosphere can significantly lower the students' stress levels, making them feel more at ease.

Establish a Friendly Rapport:

Technique: Engage in light, friendly conversation before the test starts. Show interest in the child's well-being with simple questions like, "How are you feeling today?"

Impact: Building a rapport helps to humanize the experience, making the test feel less intimidating and more like a friendly interaction.

Provide Clear, Reassuring Instructions:

Technique: Explain test procedures in a simple, reassuring manner. Let them know it's okay to ask questions if they're unsure about something.

Impact: Understanding what to expect can reduce fear of the unknown, which is a major contributor to anxiety.

Encourage and Motivate:

Technique: Offer words of encouragement and motivation. Phrases like, "You're doing great," or, "Just do your best, that’s enough," can be very reassuring.

Impact: Positive reinforcement can boost a child’s confidence and reduce performance anxiety.

Breathing and Relaxation Techniques:

Technique: Teach simple breathing exercises before the test begins. For example, "Let's take a deep breath in and out together, it helps us feel calm."

Impact: Breathing exercises are a proven way to reduce physiological symptoms of anxiety.

Allow Breaks if Needed:

Technique: Permit brief pauses or breaks during the test for children who seem overwhelmed.

Impact: Short breaks can help reset a child’s stress levels and improve focus.

Normalize the Experience:

Technique: Normalize feelings of nervousness by sharing that it's common to feel a little anxious about a test and that everyone experiences it.

Impact: Knowing that their feelings are normal and shared by others can reduce a child’s sense of isolation and anxiety.

Incorporate Movement or Stretching:

Technique: Encourage light stretching or movement before the test to release physical tension.

Impact: Physical activity, even in small amounts, can be effective in reducing stress and improving concentration.



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